Dominoes Set
Dominoes Set with custom wood burned Name or Text of your choice.
Maximum Characters for Print- 12 including spaces.
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Dominoes Set with custom wood burned Name or Text of your choice.
Maximum Characters for Print- 12 including spaces.
Font Style | 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 |
Custom Ceramic Tile with Image of your choice.
200mm x 250mm
Custom Pen Holder with 2 x Images of your Choice.
Double Side Print.
The perfect gift!
This set includes:
24cm Miniature Wooden Johnnie Walker Guitar and Guitar Stand
2 x Johnnie Walker Whisky Glass with Name of your Choice.
All above items are wrapped in decorative paper & are enclosed in a box ready for gifting!
Mini Keepsake Box with Image of Your Choice.
Ceramic Coach Mug with Custom Player Type and Coach Name.
Mug Box Included.